Simplify Your Document Generation Process under the Companies Act, 2013

Our Excel to Word Document Applications simplifies the task, allowing you to generate accurate documents quickly and easily



Happy Employees

With automation, most slow manual processes are automated, so there is no need for employees to work overtime. This will help unleash the creative and most innovative side of employees

Reduce Human Error

By reducing the amount of manual data entry into each document, you are also reducing the possibilities of typos caused by human error

Time Saving

Our Applications will save time by eliminating the need for manually preparation of documents. High quality documents can be generated within reasonable time

Cost Lowered / Increased Profits

he time and effort that you save through using document automation will result in improved staff productivity which will translate into cost savings for your business. You can free up your employees’ time to focus on more important tasks.

Improve Workforce Productivity

Employees can be more productive by automating a variety of repetitive tasks that consume time throughout the day. This will allow them to work smarter and increase their overall performance.

Customizable Word Template

The end user can easily customize our word template.

Multiple Copies

The end user can create multiple copies of our Applications


Windows 7 to 11 (64 bit).

Excel 2016 onwards.

Macros should be enabled in excel.

Windows Defender should be disabled.
